Monday, February 20, 2012

My Pup's Penis Pus

I had the weirdest conversation with my pup's adoption folks. This is how it went:

Me: Hi, pup's private parts seem to be oozing some sort of pus. Is this normal or does he have an infection?

KLPoochRescue: do I put this politely? You know how sometimes an adult dog's foreskin pulls back and you see his pink thingy?

Me: Erm...yes?

KLPR: Well, Angus is still really young so his parts aren't able to do that yet, which explains the pus. Normally, adult dog's foreskin action gets rid of this pus, which explains Angus's pus around that area.

Me: Wow, really? Hubs was so worried about Angus that he made me call you to find out about this immediately. 

KLPR: Well, tell Ray not to worry unless it happens to his 'area'. Hahahaha....

Me: Thanks so much for your help. 

KLPR: No worries. So glad to have had this conversation with you.


After much googling, I've come to learn that the discharge is called smegma and it is caused by bacteria that is caught underneath the shaft. It is not abnormal, it is not a cause for concern and it is unavoidable. However, it will improve once a dog is neutered. 

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