Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1 step forward 2 steps back

1 step forward
3 steps back
Where does that place the start?
Am I behind it?
In front of it?
I’m not starting from scratch

2 steps to the left
1 step to the right
Am I in the Centre?
Why do I feel so out of place?

We rock
Back and forth
Where will this take me?
Where will I go?

I finish my show and I wait
I return from India and I wait
I burn my arm and I wait

I am constantly waiting
What I am waiting for
I do not know

What is this curse?
What is this unease?
What is this punishment?

I always thought I didn’t know what I wanted to be
But the sheer pain and torment I am feeling makes it certain
I know exactly who I am
I know exactly what I want to be
And knowing that imprisons me

So keep pacing
1 step forward
Sometimes 3 steps back
But the constant movement helps me
For we need to remember that we aren’t nouns
Instead we are verbs

1 comment:

  1. I related to this in a way I didn't think I would. I know exactly what I want to do next, but I'm waiting for people to say yes. To the lessons of the pause.
