Thursday, August 24, 2017

moving away, moving on, moving forward

Jakarta has changed my life so much.

I feel so out of place sometimes but so at home over there and i come back here and i feel out of place.

And I feel like my security net has been snatched away which makes me guard my family even more. It may be selfish but i need to make sure our unit is stable you know?

Like Leo, Jade and Raymond. We need to be there for each other because it's just us over there.

And yet some friends don't understand that and treat me with such unkindess when all i did was support them in the past.

This time is probably when I needed you the most.

But it's ok. I felt this shift coming and that is exactly what it is.

Enter new phase.

I sit here with a stack of books i bought from India more than fifteen years ago on my lap.

It's almost as if it's gone full circle.


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