Friday, July 14, 2017


The human race is extraordinary. The constant evolution of the mind, body and soul. I'm grateful for the mere fact that almost 80% of my life has been documented and shared by many, many people. I have been so wonderfully blessed with incredible parents and parent-figures many of whom have moulded me into who i am today by gifting me with nothing but love as a daughter and friend. And because of this documentation i have actually seen myself evolve from kid to teen to adolescent to mother and it has just been a wonderful dream. I've seen myself at the lowest and have painstakingly worked my butt off to correct certain behaviours to make myself a better person. I grew up in a somewhat toxic environment and made a conscious effort to grow from that situation. To be very honest it was very difficult because much healing needed to be done but I'm happy to say that i have fully healed and am in a very good place. Marriage and children seriously knocked the wind out of me leaving me to fend for myself. To sink or swim. In fact i leapt. Sunk a couple of times but always kept floating back up. That's life. and life always needs to be lived in a forward motion towards something better. Don't perpetuate that cycle of toxic negativity. Work on yourself, take deep breaths and try to stay calm and ride the wave. But always remember that you are only a mere speck in a very very large cosmos. How difficult can it be to just display acts of kindness instead of inflicting pain. Self reflect. Give yourself a self check now and then. If the problem keeps recurring perhaps you should look within.

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